All Rights Reserved University
"Formed in the spirit of dynamic growth, social justice and intellectual pursuits."
We were founded to capture, inspire and teach the spirit of all the great leaders throughout history who have truly understood lawful freedom for all. History dies for your freedom, you just have to study and apply your freedom. History gave you the best deal possible.
All Rights Reserved University was founded on the real results of a private society which has produced perfect undefeated results and recognition for 15 years. We now teach you, the people, that system. This University is for everyone, no formal education required. If you can read, write and mail a letter, along with a willingness to learn, you have the basic skills you will need to participate. Once you graduate your earning power is unlimited!
We have put together a perfect system, for all of you to use, to have maximum advantage. You always see people with what seem to be perfect lives. Now you can to.
Each student who attends All Rights University becomes competent at their own freedom. They learn where to access what parts within legality or how to access other kinds of law globally as it may suite their needs. As you do each course, lesson and step in reality, you will have the most advantage you can have in life! When you have done all the courses, you get your Competent Heir Degree.
We hope you enjoy your time with us. We know you will be amazed at what you learn. Trust in yourself.
Would you kill a child, rape a woman, starve millions? If you said no, then you are already a better leader, than what is leading most of the world today. Love and light, come win freedoms fight!
Our Philosophies
Core Values
Our core values come from empowering our students, to have the most advantage that anyone can in life. To truly understand the world, the power structures within it, and how to make those power moves in life, your own.
We teach you much more than freedom. We teach how anyone can build any kind or size of wealth, from literally almost nothing. Yes tuition is needed, and each process step in the course takes a few dollars, but as you learn from what we know, you will have every advantage, every opportunity to make your life, and the lives of those you love or wish to help, anything you want it to be.
Tradition of Diversity
We honor all individuals and communities at this university. You will learn how the law, allows you to make your personal or community philosophies, into your own law.
This ensures the freedom and diversity of all.
This is also why individuals must learn rights, as systems made by strangers such as democracy for example, strip diversity, as the majority can violate the minority. Natural Law, never allows anyone to unlawfully violate another. This is a key, to all diversity in the world, being free to live, within lawful standards of no harm to others.
Most will not need financial aid to attend. By the end of the second course, you have your society up, and it can make money to pay the rest of your tuition.
Free For Peace Maker Society Global Maximum Empowerment Sacred Freedom & Rights Membership.
Our History
Our Roots
Our foundation began as a private society founded in 2009 for the sole purpose of teaching people how to have personal freedom, love, health and wealth in all ways. All Rights Reserved University is a program that is offered by Peace Maker Society for global empowerment. It is the realization of our dream from the beginning!
Founding an unregistered and unincorporated society is how to have freedom and maximum advantage in life, enabling you to rule your life according to your own private law and community standards. This method allows you to operate in the existing systems while maintaining all your rights reserved. Our history is built on proven results
Historical Perspective
Historically, if any act, statute or law, goes against natural law, it is no longer law, but lawlessness.
The world for those who know history, is living in a dark time right now.
History has taught us, how to fix the world.
It will be up to you, our students, to do the work itself.
You will shape history, with your Competent Heir Degree as you apply its knowledge.
The Future
The future of All Rights Reserved University is to create world leaders. To make those with a little or a lot to start with, into people who run empires the right way, so the world can live on in health, as can the animals and mankind as a whole.
Only when all legality and law adhere to Natural Law standards can peace ever exist.
Our future is to get the world to understand the meaning to the words they use.
To get those who were trained to be poor in time, health, love and wealth how to have it all.
To teach the world how the current unlawful legal rules of the world work, and how to beat them with actual law.
To teach all how to get out of all unlawful debt.
To teach all, how to operate in private law and legality, without giving up rights, etc.
To make the world free, and to help the people use law to hold unlawful corporations posing as governments accountable one agent at a time.
To make people, families communities globally, as free, as they can make themselves. We are setting the foundations for global freedom, every day, every student.
You are our success, future and global hope for freedom, as soon as you apply the knowledge you gain from AllRightsReservedUnviersity.org